Graduate Research
Karallyn Fitisone, B.S.
Karallyn is a second-year doctoral student with interests in alcohol/substance use, risk broadly, family dynamics, and resilience. She graduated from American Samoa Community College in 2019 with an A.A in Liberal Arts and from Southern Utah University with a B.S. in Psychology in 2021. Prior to joining the Keller Lab, she worked as the Primary Investigator and Project Specialist for projects supported by grants awarded to the American Samoa Alliance Against Domestic and Sexual Violence by the U.S. Department of Justice (OVW-Rural - #2020-WR-AX-0072) and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (FVPSA - #2301ASSDVC).
Courtlyn Fields, M.A.
Courtlyn is a second-year doctoral student with an interest in emotional development, family dynamics, and generational trauma. She graduated from Carson-Newman University in 2018 with a B.A. in Applied Psychology and from the University of Denver in 2020 with an M.A. in Counseling Psychology. Prior to joining the Keller Lab, she worked as a Clinical Research Coordinator for the Injury and Violence Prevention Program at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Current Publications
Fields, C., Keller, P., & El-Sheikh, M. (2025). Associations Between Parent and Child Antisocial Behavior: Aggression in Family Relationships as a Mechanism of Risk. Personality and Individual Differences
Fields, C., Rawn, K., & Keller, P. (2024). Internal Working Models of Attachment to Mothers and Fathers in College Students: Relations to the Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of American College Health.
Fields, C., O’Connor, K., Kjærvik, S. L., Kevorkian, S., Perera, R. A., & Thomson, N. D. (2024). The impact of firearm-related violence on future prison violence: a brief report. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 1-9.
Fitisone, K., Fields, C., & Keller, P. (in progress). Parent and Grandparent Problem Drinking are Related to Exposure to Family Conflict: Potential Implications for Attachment Representations
Fitisone, K., Rawn, K., & Keller, P. (in progress). Associations Between Drinking Motives and Problem Drinking are Moderated by Skin Conductance Level.
Fields, C., Fitisone, K., Keller, P., & El-Sheikh. (Accepted 2025, May). Associations Between Parent and Child Antisocial Behavior: Aggression in Family Relationships as a Mechanism of Risk. Society for Research on Child Development, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Fitisone, K., Fields, C., & Keller, P. (Accepted 2025, May) Parental Problem Drinking and Parent Emotion Regulation in Response to Child Misbehavior. Society for Research on Child Development, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Loeffler, D.N., Pope, N.D., Adesiyan, R., Akomolafe, E., Dillman, H., Fields, C., Fitisone, K., Mountain, D., Rooks, D., Shahrjooihaghighi, E., & Willis-Nichols, R. (2024, October). Natural disaster and organizational responses: Rural service provider experiences in Kentucky’s 2022 flood-affected counties. Council on Social Work Education 70th Annual Program Meeting. Kansas City, MO.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​Pope, N.D., Loeffler, D.N. Adesiyan, R., Akomolafe, E., Dillman, H., Fields, C., Fitisone, K., Mountain, D., Rooks, D., Shahrjooihaghighi, E., & Willis-Nichols, R. (2024, October). Engaging students as co-researchers: Implications for experiential and anti-oppressive teaching and pedagogy. Council on Social Work Education 70th Annual Program Meeting. Kansas City, MO.
Kim, M., Fields, C.,Fitisone, K., Matusz, D., McAweeney, K.,Sidney, P.,& Tanaka, K. (2024, June). Demystifying the undergraduate psychology experience: Supporting the career transition for psychology majors. Unconference session accepted for presentation at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science, Nairobi, Kenya.​
Fields, C., Matusz, D., McAweeney, K., Fitisone, K., Kim, M., Sidney, P., & Tanaka, K. (2024, June). Demystifying the undergraduate psychology experience: Supporting the career transition for psychology majors. Unconference session presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science, online post-event.
Adesiyan, R., Akomolafe, E., Dillman, H., Fields, C., Fitisone, K., Mountain, D., Shahrjooihaghighi, E., &Willis-Nicholas, R. (March, 2024). Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Action: Example from a Qualitative Research Course. The Kentucky Association of Social Work Educators, Lexington, Kentucky.